Our Missions

Costa Rica

Rice & Beans Ministries seeks to build relationships, support families and communities, and care for those in need in Costa Rica. We do this through three primary ministries: Food Ministry, Children’s Ministry, and Construction Ministry. All three ministries go hand-in-hand to support each other, and you can join us in making a difference.

Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!

1 Chronicles 16:24

Meeting tomorrow's needs today

In the rural areas of Costa Rica, food is a common worry and need for our local communities. We have sustainable programs set up to ease the worries of having food on the table while sharing the love and hope of Christ.

Food Ministry

It is not about the food, it is about the relationship. RABMIN teams pack and distribute food bags full of staple food items directly to the household’s doorstep. With RABMIN, these food deliveries are more than just a bag of food. These bags symbolize the opportunity to build a relationship and share the hope and love given to us. It also symbolizes equality. 

In addition to the food delivered to the home, we grow vegetables and have laying hens to help support the schools’ small budgets for feeding the children. Together with our volunteers, in 2023, we grew and delivered over 100,000 lbs. of fruits and vegetables and 30,000+ eggs. 

More than just food

RABMIN knows these local children are hungry for more than just food; they are hungry to learn, hungry for love and hungry for joy. Building relationships allows us to show the love and hope which has been shown to us. From our Gardens of Hope, we are able to help the local school systems by providing more food to feed the children better nutrition. Food insecurities may often prevent children from learning. We believe to break the cycle of poverty we must educate and empower the children to want to be educated. 

Children's Ministries

Our Costa Rica communities are filled with young children who are  ready to learn, eager to participate, and in need of a kid-friendly space for after school hours. RABMIN offers educational programs teaching Bible stories, anti-bullying lessons, and interactive education to keep kids learning in a fun and safe atmosphere.

Building a strong foundation

Building a strong foundation takes dreams. Do we dream too small?  

We envision vibrant and sustainable communities where education flourishes, where food is accessible to all, and where economic empowerment becomes a birthright rather than a privilege.   

Join us on our journey of nourishing lives and building communities—a journey that will redefine what is possible, ignite the flames of hope, and leave an indelible mark on the world.  

Together, let us dream big, nourish lives, and build communities that will stand as a testament to the power of human compassion and the limitless potential of our collective dreams.  

Reconstruction and Building

Our communities and families often lack resources for safe and secure living. RABMIN meets the needs of our communities through construction programs to give families and individuals safe places to sleep, eat, and live. Just as with our other programs, this is a chance for us to build relationships and share the hope and love of Christ with our neighbors. 

Plan Your Trip


INCLUDES: Airport pickup, meals Saturday through Friday, transportation, and housing until airport return.

*Does not include airfare

Starting at:


+ $16/per family for food bag delivery. We suggest 20 per person, if possible.

Plan A Trip

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Please complete the form below. A representative will contact you to finish planning your mission trip!

Plan a Costa Rica Trip

Costa Rica trips are 7 days, from Saturday to Saturday (Trip customization is available for shorter or longer stays).


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Contact Us

Rice & Beans Ministries
P.o Box 626
Petal, MS 39465


Certified 501(c)3
Non-Profit Organization