Building Relationships

Our Missions

“How beautiful are the feet of those who spread the good news!”

Romans 10:15


Communities in the Rio De Janeiro area, Araruama, Acari, and Jardim Gramacho benefit from RABMIN programs. Our focus in this region is on Community Outreach, Anti-Bullying, and Food for Families.

Statistics below are from The Borgen Project and the UNDP Human Development Reports

It's all about connection

The goal RABMIN Brazil is to care for people, show love, and provide support. We support people within our communities as well as strengthen the efforts of existing groups such as Community centers, schools, and churches. Through this teamwork, we can provide education, stability, and hope throughout Brazil.

  • Anti-Bullying
  • Community Outreach
  • Food for Families
  • Educational Resources
0 M+
households in Brazil live in inadequate living conditions
0 M
Children will drop out of school by the age of 15-17
0 th
in education, as ranked by the UNDP

Costa Rica

Where it all began. Costa Rica is home to great beauty and even greater needs. RABMIN focuses efforts here on educational resources, providing stable meals, building/upgrading communities, and the ministry.

Statistics below are from the Costa Rica Star and The Borgen Project.

Meeting crucial needs

Currently, we serve 80+ communities with food and prayer in the Poas, region of Costa Rica. Through this ministry, we are able to meet the immediate needs of hunger and hope while building relationships with generation young and old. 

  • Food for Families
  • Residential Repair & Rebuild
  • Children's Ministry
0 %
Unemployment rate throughout all of Costa Rica
$ 0
What it takes to fill a food bag to feed a family of four for a week
0 %
of rural households live in poverty

United States

COMING SOON: While America is home to many of our supporters, it will also be home to future efforts of RABMIN. After natural disasters have passed, leaving many long-term needs to be met, RABMIN will be there to assist those affected.

Statistics below are from Insurance Information Institute and Society for Research in Child Development

Looking towards the near future

Our support from the United States is vital and now we are taking the opportunity to give back. Natural disasters are just that…natural. We feel there are many families and individuals that have needs that go far beyond the immediate recovery period after a disaster. RABMIN will focus on needs in food, household resources, and residential repair in the long term aftermath of a disaster event.

  • Disaster Relief
  • Food for Families
0 %
of children exposed to disaster report symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, depression
Catastrophes occurred in the USA during 2019
0 %
Increase in acute illness only one month after a disaster

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Rice & Beans Ministries
P.o Box 626
Petal, MS 39465


Certified 501(c)3
Non-Profit Organization